Sunday, June 12, 2011

Martin is Tying The Knot....and It's Not a Palomar or Blood Knot

For the past three and a half years, Martin has been dating a woman of utmost support and forgiveness a sportsmen could ask for.  During hunting season, Martin is the only one who has the freedom to hunt every morning and every afternoon he chooses.....weekdays, Saturdays, and even Christmas Eve (the epic Ghost Buck kill).  After long hours in the treestand or the duck blind, he hits the moonlit nights with his bandit-hunting English Redtick, Iceman.  Once Spring arrives, fishing season is here....enough said.  Yesterday, Martin made up for all the time away from home by proposing to Jessica....on his boat....while on a relaxing afternoon fishing trip!  From the Gang, we congratulate the two of you.  As we all know, the playing field will now be leveled come next hunting season, and we might have a shot at killing a bear or even the Big Seven!

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