Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday Morning Hunt

Carrington, Martin and I hunted Saturday morning.  We were expecting to see the chasing phase blown wide open.  Much to our surprise, we saw very little movement.  Carrington shot at THE big 7, but due to user error, the buck kept walking.  Martin and I had a pretty exciting 5 minutes when we first sat down.  As I was trying to set up the camera gear, two bucks walked less than 10 yards from us.  It was still so dark we couldn't even see their silhouette.  One aggressively grunted, running the other deer away....The dominant deer walked back and fourth, stopped directly in front of Martin and snort wheezed.  All I could think about was those horror stories in Field and Stream of rutting bucks attacking people...stabbing them with their antlers and kicking them until they were near death.  We'll see what this week brings.  --Will

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