Monday, November 8, 2010

The Ghost Buck

This morning, Martin and I decided to sit for a few hours....our main goal was to assess the rutting situation.  After Saturday's hunt, we were worried that the chasing phase was behind us, and the bucks were in the thickets tending their does.  It was 7:15 before we saw the first deer.  A young 8 pointer was spotted 500 yards away tending a bedded doe in the middle of the field.  Soon after, the Big Seven walked out and chased the deer out of the field.  We jumped out of the stand, and make a run for it, but they were long gone.  On our way back to the truck, we noticed a doe trotting across.  Martin soon spotted this hammer, hot on her trail.    We ran down the fence row, the doe crossed, then the buck.  Luckily, we were able to stop him broadside at 100 yards, just long enough for Martin to shoot.  To our recollection, we have no trail camera picture, nor has anyone spotted this deer.   The video will tell the rest of the story.  .........It's just not our week.


  1. ....I heard Piedmont is hosting a shooting class next week!

  2. It wasn't the shooter, it was the gun. I shot it this morning at 85 yards and it shot 7 inches to the right. Could explain why I missed in front of this deer as you can see on the video.
